Pedal Pushers
Client Adam rides an adaptive along the wooded path on the NeuroCare Campus
On Monday, May 23rd, the Recreational Therapy department in Wayne County hosted an adaptive cycling event in honor of National Bike Month. The skies were clear and sunny, the temperature was warm and bike riders were smiling ear to ear for the first two hours….and then the rain came- we all got a little wet, but it passed quickly and the last of the 28 clients were able to get in a ride.
Here are some of the wonderful things we heard clients and staff saying throughout the event:
‘The Physical Therapists couldn’t keep up with him, it was great to watch’ – Staff
Wow’- Coleen
‘They have smiles on their faces, that’s what it’s all about’- Doc Richert
‘The guys just came home and they are ecstatic, they have the biggest smiles on their faces’- Residential Staff
‘I’m so surprised, it was a lot of fun’- Client
‘I like the speed. I didn’t think I could do this, but this is cool’ – Client
‘She never used to want to come out of her room, and to see her out there was just great’- Staff
The Ann Arbor Center for Independent Living brought out 6 adaptive cycles for clients with all different abilities to trial. They provided adjustments to fit the bikes to our clients, trained on their use, and discussed additional opportunities to ride in the community. Joann from the Kohl’s Injury Prevention Program also contributed greatly to the event by providing free helmets fit to each client and spoke about the importance of always wearing a properly fitted helmet. Thank you so much to these people and organizations for their partnership in this great event!
Forty-four clients and Special Tree staff also signed a pledge promising to wear helmets when they rode bikes- thank you for caring about your own safety and being a good example to others!