Special Tree Represents at Capitol Day 2018

Every year in May the Brain Injury Association in Michigan and the Michigan Brain Injury Provider Council sponsor Capital Day in Lansing.  Providers, advocates and survivors of brain injury and their families descend on the Capital for the opportunity to meet with their legislators.  Special Tree was well represented and our staff spent the day educating policy makers about brain injury and public policy that impacts the persons we serve.  Check out photos of the group in action here:

This year’s Capitol Day was one of the biggest to date with nearly 150 attendees who met with 85 legislators. In addition to discussing the importance of Auto No-Fault, attendees highlighted their concerns over distracted driving and urged their legislators to support HB 4466, which would expand existing distracted driving laws. Rep. Martin Howrylak, Rep. Tom Greimel and Sen. Vincent Gregory addressed those gathered in the Mackinac room.  The Coalition to Protect “Auto No-Fault also announced their new campaign, “Shop Your Policy”, to assist drivers in reducing their auto insurance costs.  Learn more about the campaign here.


SCI Expo 2021 Highlights


Grant Program Donates Adaptive Jeans to Special Tree