National Occupational Therapy Month
Every April, Occupational Therapists across the country take part in the month-long campaign to promote awareness of their important role in rehabilitation. OTs provide critical therapy services to our clients, helping them learn everyday life skills such as bathing and dressing, preparing meals, and managing home activities as independently as possible.
At Special Tree, our OTs take it even one step further. Their passion for each client’s personal success can be seen with every interaction. “I love being a positive role model and helping make a difference in our client’s lives,” says Holly K., an OT with our Midland Team. “It ’s the best feeling in the world seeing people become more independent and empowered, that’s why I love what I do." Angela W., an OT with our Troy NeuroSkills Center says that she enjoys the process of getting clients back to doing what’s important to them after their injury and helping them achieve the best quality of life possible. And that’s a task that most OTs will agree they enjoy. “The most rewarding part of being an OT is when your client walks away from a session with a smile on their face because they can do something they couldn’t do before,” says Holly K. And Angela W. agrees, “It’s a great feeling when a client moves back home or moves out on their own after working so hard in therapy.”
Please help us celebrate Occupational Therapy Month by thanking our dedicated team members, and all OTs across the country. We salute all Occupational Therapists for their good efforts to guide clients’ healing and recovery.